Das sombras que permanecem
Mixed media installation
Video, sand, glass, drawing

Das sombras que permanecem is an installation that explores the struggle between the motionless time and the infinite movement that resonates in the cyclic phenomena of nature and in the human condition resilience. In this tense game of contrasts between mobility and immobility of the image, opacity and transparency of the materials, crystalline luminosity or shaded diffuse projection, we can witness the unfolding of a mobile landscape of uncertain contours inhabited by motionless characters that remain in a position of suspended effort. The cycle of nature, here represented by the tides, the verticality of the incessant movement of the waves that spread out and transform into allusive earth features, the perpetual movement of the inert characters, contribute to reflect on the subtle changes in the repetition of events inherent to the experience of time and the human endeavor in dealing with that contingency.

Concurso Artes e Talentos, Fundação da Juventude. Palácio das Artes, Porto, Portugal, 2017.